Module 4- Prioritize Your Wants/Goals

In this module we're going to get clear on your wants (or desires/goals, choose your word), and prioritize them in a way that will help you define what matters most right now.

What if I don't know what I want?

This is a common experience for ADHDers. If you struggle to identify meaningful goals, feel free to follow the exercise below. I walk through it in the video as well.

The objective of this module is to define a goal or desire that you want to work on as we go through the next six weeks. Don't worry if you find that your goal needs to change as we go forward. Just select your "One Thing" as a starting point and you can iterate on it as needed.

Goal Clarifying Exercise

  1. For the next 10 minutes write down everything you want.  Your biggest and smallest goals or desires.  Be as specific as you can.  It can be in any domain - spirituality, business, health, love life, money, whatever.
  2. Highlight or circle the top 3-5 things that feel most interesting or compelling to you right now.  It can be something that feels urgent, as long as it’s also meaningful for you right now. 
  3. Now prioritize your short list based on importance to you.  Your #1 goal should be the one you are most jazzed about and that you have the most energy and interest to pursue.
  4. Now filter this list through the lens of your needs and values.  Does your want/goal list support your needs and values or detract from them?  If you find that you want to make some changes to your shortlist based on that reflection, do that now.
  5. Now examine your list based on actionability.  Of your highest ranking goals, which goal can you take action on right now without reliance on the participation of others?   If your top goal is not actionable, now is a good time to reprioritize them so that your most compelling and actionable goal is at the top of your list.
  6. Now circle the top goal on that list.  Can you commit to this goal as the “One thing” you’re willing to focus on over the next 6 weeks (aside from general adulting responsibilities)?

Final Step - Task Breakdown

Based on the “One Thing” you have committed to focusing on, take the next 10 minutes to brainstorm the tasks and actions you need to take to move this project forward. 

Note, there’s no task that’s too small to include, and I encourage you to breakdown large or ambiguous actions into the smallest steps possible.

Make a note of any occurring tasks (highlight them or list them separately).  We’ll be working on this throughout the remainder of the program.

See you in the next module!

Complete and Continue